Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Many Adventures of our Christmas Elf, Angelina

Hello! This is M&M and I want to tell you about the adventures of our Christmas Elf, Angelina. Even though we all know now the secret of Santa and his elf, Monster doesn't. So it was still fun being able to help move her every night and have somebody/Monster have a blast trying to find her. 

We always try to never hide her in the same place twice. We had a fun time making her have a snowball fight with the avengers and DC characters, hide in the tree, get her tooth pulled under IV sedation with a real IV bag (Dad you are such a nerd!) bungle jumping, riding the animals, zip lining, and so much more! It is always fun getting Angelina out on November 30th and hiding her for the start of December. We always do some kind of "I'm Back" thing for the 1st of December. We drew on the windows for the first saying " I'm back!" with her on it. 

We always got our heads together to find the next place. Mom and Dad sometimes forget so us kids have to remind them, just do it ourselves, or ask them to help (which they do). One of our most favorite spot that we did for our elf was the snowball fight. We set them all up and when Zac woke up the next morning, he was so excited to see it! He was saying " Their having snowball fight! WOW! Look at Spiderman, he is upside down!" It was so cute! We hid her in different places all through out December 1 - 24. When Christmas Eve came, we did the goodbye thing. We wrote stuff like " I was so happy to see you again! I can't wait to come back next year!" It was sad putting her back in her box but we will be able to get her out again next year and find yet another 25 days worth of hiding places. 

1 comment:

  1. How fun for the girls to participate in this and see the joy on Zach's face.
