Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Our First Christmas in Germany

Hey, Kev's here. Christmas is something I keep in my heart all the year. I can listen to Christmas music at anytime and love it (unlike Heather). Christmas is Germany though is an all time new level, and as you can see from the festive Christmas Markets, the joy of this season truly prevails. This year was going to be something special in that we had a surprise for the kids, making sure that instead of doing lots of presents we simplify and invest in a memory!

So our Christmas always starts the night before with the nativity and ornaments. As we try to keep Christ central in our Christmas season, and after studying the miracle of the Master's birth, we dove into our ornaments, which was super fun given the variety of options available here. The kids reluctantly were sent to bed in order to dream of sugar plums, and we finished setting it all up. One of these days we won't be up until midnight doing this.

Christmas day began early as always - with laughter and happiness. It is probably the only day where the kids won't fight with each other. With giggles and pitter patter of feet (from Big sis even) the kids know we can't be disturbed until 7am. They all woke up at a ghastly hours, some of which were awake all night so excited for it (Big Sis!) they tackled their stockings.

Of course you can't start the day without rocking this years Christmas jammies!

We tackled the rest of the stockings and moved on to the little gifts.  The kids didn't get any gifts from us this year, but were blessed to get gifts from their grandparents, Krista Deguelle and their Aunt Adrienne and Uncle Paris Cluff.   The Cluffs got the kids some super awesome coloring stuff.  Monster and Little A were so excited about them.

So shopping for Zac now is so much fun because I simply just ask myself: would I want to play with this? If the answer is yes, then its good enough for him! Cue the trucks and car carriers! We didn't get the kids gifts, but they for sure still had a visit from Santa.  All their Santa Bags were filled and ready for opening in the morning. Monster had trucks and cars, of course. and Little A got some fairy garden creatures.  She has a cement well that is filled with soil in the backyard that she has cleaned as her garden, so it was fun seeing how excited she was about the fairy garden possibilities.

Big Sis got a Sunday outfit, with shoes and tights and all.  She was so happy to have an awesome church outfit.  M&M got some amazing art supplies which included brushes, paints and canvases.

Now came the time where the kids got a curve ball. The kids found a small box on the tree and inside as a small slip of paper.  We had planned out a scavenger hunt that intentionally made them go and up down the stairs every other clue (messed up right?) which was so funny. They had to listen to the clue and go to the room and try to find the next clue!

The clues all had to do objects that they would need or see on our trip.  It included finding the hot chocolate, a snow flake in the living room, gloves, helmets, and scarves to name a few.  By the fourth clue, Big Sis was guessing we were going someplace cold.

Finally they made it to the last clue, which told them to go back to the beginning, which was the Christmas Tree.  Under the Christmas Tree they found a big box wrapped up, and opened it to see where our First Christmas Adventure Memory would be. This year we had a trip to Austria planned and we were leaving in a couple of days to go and make the memory. We not only had never been skiing or snowboarding as a family, but we had never been Austria, so this was going to be a super fun adventure to have.  All the kids were super excited about the trip and wanted to start packing for it right away.

I know that Jesus Christ lives and this season reflects everyone that was perfectly embodied by Him: Love, civility, happiness, joy, peace, and I carry in my heart his sacred name that brings me the same!

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