Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mosel-Wein Nachts Christmas Markt

Hi there. This is Big sis and I'm going to tell you all about me and my families adventure to the Mosel-Weinhachts Markt. In German, Frohe Weihnachten means Merry Christmas. And so if you put the two and two together, the Mosel-weihnacht market is the Mosel Christmas Market. 

So in school, my German teacher gives us the project of having to go out and do individual field trips to German locations to practice our German. Last quarter, I had to go to a fall festival, and that was a total flop. But, this quarter, we had to go to a Christmas market to practice our German in different types of conversation. I hated it at the time, but now that I look back, these field trips were super helpful. 

Anyways, mom was in the states, and dad really wanted to help me with this project, so we drove an hour to this super awesome Christmas market that had a whole bunch of really good reviews. So we went to the market for my project plus to go Christmas shopping for mom and just for fun. 

When we got to the city, we parked the car and walked across this big bridge to the other side of the river. The market was in an underground cellar, and was split into 4 different sections. We went to section 1-3. 

Inside there were shoppers selling all kinds of super cute German trinkets and another section had all kinds of fun foods. We stopped at this wood stand that had a very large variety of nativity scenes and cute German decorations. 

I did my little project at this stand and spoke in German to ask how much certain items were, and also bought a cute little creche for mom. As we walked around a little more, we came by an ornament store. The old lady that ran the stand was super nice and I talked with her and we bought 6 small ornaments and an old man painted our names onto the ornaments. This was another one of the gifts that we were going to give to mom. 

After walking around that particular part of the market, we walked out of the cellar and went into another one. We got kinder punch. The cup was super cute and is one of the very few mugs that we have that we actually really enjoy. 

We walk around a bit longer to explore around the city square and see all the cute and tiny German houses. I don't know if I've already said this, but German houses always look like they're from a fairy tale. I love Germany so much. 

It started to get a little late, so we headed back over the bridge, up to the car, and headed back home. This Christmas market was so much fun and it was a triple win because I finished my project, we got mom Christmas presents, and we had lots of fun in a new and amazing Christmas market. 

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