Saturday, May 25, 2019

Jeju Island: Cheonjeyeon Falls (This is a different waterfall then yesterday!)

First off, yes, I spelled this right and it is a different waterfall then yesterday.  Second off, no there is not a spelling error and yes the only difference between the spelling of these two waterfalls are the i and e in the middle. 

Cheonjeyeon Falls is a hike of a collection of three waterfalls and the Seonimgyo Bridge.  The hike to the first waterfall is the Korean fashion hiking of stairs.  We descended the stairs and came to a beautiful peacefully clear pond. We were confused because there wasn’t a waterfall anywhere.  After doing some research online with the help of Google and reading a sign posted on the stairs, we learned that the first waterfall only appears after and during a heavy rainfall.  The pond is about 70 feet deep.  Even though the waterfall was absent, it was still gorgeous to see the pond.  Cheonjeyeon Falls means “The pond of God”, and I would agree.  The pond was in perfect peace and reflected the tall rocks behind it. 

We went back to the stairs and made our way to the second waterfall.  There was a beautiful walkway with trees canopying the entire walk-way.

There were more stairs before we found ourselves to the platform for the waterfall.   It didn’t look it, but the second waterfall is almost 100 feet high.  

We followed the beautiful path and stairs and made our way to the third waterfall.  Before reaching the stairs to the third waterfall, we got to the Seonimgyo Bridge, which is also known as the Seven Nymphs Bridge. The bridge has seven beautiful nymphs on each side.  There is a legend that seven nymphs descend from heaven at night and each nymph is carved with a different musical instrument.  

After leaving the bridge we continued on the path to the third waterfall.  The signs posted read that the third fall is the hardest and the last 100 meters consisted of some pretty killer stairs.  Little A started playing the stair counting game at this point to figure out how many stairs it took to get to the third waterfall from the second waterfall.  Little A counted 273 stairs from second to third.  The stairs weren’t so bad.  It was all shaded, so the kids never complained.  

We got to the third tier of the Cheonjeyeon Falls and took it in.  It hasn’t rained in a while so you could tell the faucet wasn’t all on and showing the full glory of the waterfall, but it was still very pretty. Sadly, the platform for the third waterfall is super far away and very high from the falls, so it wasn't as spectacular as we were hoping. But, we were glad we took the stairs and took the time and energy to see all tiers to the waterfall.  We took the stairs back up and out to the parking lot. The promise of ice cream kept the kids happy while we made the ascent.

We bought some pretty good ice creams and the kids ate ice cream in the shade while we loaded the car back up.  It was a great hike, and we all enjoyed it.

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