Sunday, May 26, 2019

Jeju Island: Jeongbang Waterfall and Sojeongbang Waterfall

Our last stop today was two waterfalls, the Jeongbang and the Sojeongbang.  When we made our way to Jeongbang, we weren’t expecting to see two waterfalls.  We also didn’t know what type of hike it was to the waterfall or what to expect.  We paid the entrance fee and immediately heard the falls and knew we were close.  The road to Jeongbang was a short flight of stairs.

Jeongbang is a 75 foot high waterfall and is the only waterfall in Asia to fall directly into the ocean.  Legend has it that a dragon’s spirit is contained in the water and that it can cure diseases and bring rain during a drought.  

The rocks around the falls are all huge boulders just haphazardly everywhere.  We carefully made our way across the rocks to get closer to the falls.  

It was beautiful, loud and spraying so much mist.  Kevin was wearing our Monster, so he stayed by the stairs for fear of slipping and falling and hurting Monster.  While he was waiting there he saw two of the Family Medicine doctors that he works with. He enjoyed chatting with them while M&M, Little A and I walked around and got pictures of the Falls.

We walked up the stairs and on our way out we saw a small trail by the car that was labeled Ollie Trail.  We didn’t know where it went, but I remembered from a blog that I read a few days ago, that there was another waterfall only 300 m from Jeongbang.  We decided to take this trail to see if it lead to our mysterious waterfall.  It was a nice wide wood panel path that followed the ocean. 

We came to a grey building called the Shell House.  The path continued behind the house.  Kevin wanted to turn around, I was indifferent, and the three girls were out for an adventure.  They wanted to keep going to see where the trail led and if it lead to a waterfall.  There wasn’t a single sign anywhere about a waterfall, so I had my doubts.  Big Sis was convinced that she heard a waterfall, so we all continued forward.  The wood path turned to cute cement and rock stairs. 

We followed the stairs and sure enough we all started to hear the roar of a waterfall.  We came around a bend and could see that we were at the top of the falls, stairs to the right lead all the way down to the base.  M&M and Big Sis were smiling ear to ear with an “I told you so” look. 

The waterfall was a super wide one.  It wasn’t very high, maybe 15 feet high, but it was so pretty.  The water came down and was like a two-tiered waterfall super close to the ocean.  We only encountered a handful of people on this trail and at the waterfall, so it was a real treat to almost have it all to ourselves.  We sure had all the luck today and beat all the crowds.  It was a great day.

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