Saturday, May 18, 2019

Kevin's Korean Spartan Race

So this year I wanted to do the Spartan Race again, and after the awesome experience last year. This year though Heather had no interest in it, but the loyal person who would, was my buddy from the medical group, Justin Read. Outside of being an amazing drug dealer (pharmacist), he also had great endurance and was perfect for this race. Welcome to the Chuncheon Sprint Spartan Race!

So the route was similar to the year before but the location was entirely different. We caught the ITT bus from Osan and rode the bus 3 hours for this race, just talking and laughing. The ride there always seems to take forever, but the ride back is nothing by a snooze fest as everyone is just dead!

The race obstacles vary in intensity. Last year I made it through a lot of the obstacles without having to do burpee's, but this year I only made it through 16 of them (4 less than the year before). Grrr. Rings are my downfall every time for some reason. This year I made it farther than ever before but it was rough and sure enough, slipped on the last one! The LAST ONE!

We continued through a variety of obstacles, and then we got to this hill that we had to run up, f.o.r.e.v.e.r! It seemed like it didn't end at all, only to then go straight down, fill a 5 gallon bucket with rocks and carry those uphill again...seriously! With a smile though, just keep moving forward!


After an hour and half of this we moved finally moved toward the end, which finishes with a difficult set of water obstacles. I am glad they put this at the end but it always is right before you have to climb something, which makes it super fun to do so slippery and wet. 

We then had to climb up and over the A frame, which is a big deal for me since I have for some reason some weird fear of heights. I have no idea where it comes from, but I have only had it since I was a parent. This though never freaks me out for some reason, but it always is the last obstacle before the fire jump!

The fire jump is awesome, and last year my jump was perfect. This year, not so much but it was so great to finish just a great time with a great friend. I always save a pair of shoes for these races that are needing to be trashed, and sure enough after this: tossed in the trash can! Oh ya, you get super dirty on this too, then get to change in a room full of naked Korean dudes. Always a weird way to end the day. Spartan races are amazing, teach you much about yourself, ensure that you are never bored during the race, and the medals are amazing!

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