Friday, May 24, 2019

Jeju Island: Cheonjiyeon Falls

We flew to Jeju Island today for Memorial Weekend.  This is our last big trip in Korea.  Jeju is said to be the Hawaii of Korea.  The week leading up to today has been stressful and super crazy.  Our stuff is being packed out the day after we get back from Jeju.  I feel so NOT ready!  I need to set out all the things we need to keep for the next few months while our stuff gets shipped off to take who knows how long to get to us in Germany. Needless to say, I have been super stressful.  So stressful, in fact, that Kevin and I were even talking about either not going, or one of us staying to finish packing and sorting.  In the end, the plane tickets and lodging were non-refundable, so we decided it was a good time for a break.

We took the short hour flight from Gimpo to Jeju, got our luggage without a problem, and then easily got our rental car. Since we have a Korean driving permit though the military, we had no issues getting a car. We loaded the car and were on our way about 3:30. It took about an hour to get to our lodging and check-in.  We quickly dropped our luggage and got back in the car to see the Cheonjiyeon Falls since it’s open until 9pm.  

The original plan was to stop for dinner, then hike to the falls, however, when we got to the falls, It was only about an hour before the sun was to set.  I wanted to be able to walk and see the falls in the sunlight, so I asked the family if they would be OK just eating a snack now, and then eat dinner after the hike so we can see it in light.  They all agreed, since I was told it wasn’t a long hike to see the falls.

We were told correctly, there was pretty much just a leisurely short stroll to Cheonjiyeon Falls. We enjoyed a huge paved path to the waterfall.  The greenery along the path was so beautiful.

We reached the waterfall without any problems, and were a little disappointed.  There was a large gate to the right and the platform was a little ways off from the falls. To see the natural waterfall surrounded with cement and so much man made paths, it diminished the beauty a little. Along the wall there were a few other waterfalls that were slowly coming down, it all helped bring some of the natural beauty back.

While we were there, we wanted to get a family picture, so Kevin asked a gentlemen who was sitting there to take our picture.  After chatting for just a little bit, we learned that he is military on TDY here in Korea from Guam.  We also learned the he is also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and then we found out he grew up in Fresno, just like Kevin.  It is such a small world.  We walked back to the entrance with him,  and Kevin learned that he was just walking everywhere, so we offered to drop him off at his apartment. 

The walk back took us by the river, with small little rolling rapids and waterfalls.  We also crossed a cute little bridge and some stepping stones.  Monster loved the stones and while holding my hand he hopped from one to the other.

We dropped him off then went on the hunt for food.  We originally wanted to hit up a restaurant called Soul Kitchen, but it was closed, so a little down the road we found a little restaurant that had some food we could all eat.  

It was a great day to start our weekend in Jeju.  We are excited about the next few days and the discoveries we will make in this little paradise.

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