Sunday, May 26, 2019

Jeju Island: Gimnyeong Maze Park

We found this little gem, the Gimnyeong Maze Park across from the Manjanggul Caves.  The first thing you see when you get to the Maze Park is a huge playground, Monster and Little A couldn’t get out of the car fast enough.  They were squealing and yelling about the playground before we even parked the car. We bought our tickets to the maze and were given our maps.  We were explained that there is a bell at the end of the maze, and that is the end goal. We decided that we would divide into two teams and see who could get to the bell before the other team.  Big Sis and M&M were on one team, and Kevin, me and the two Littles were on the other team.  

Big Sis and M&M ran off ahead while we got distracted before the maze even began.  Kevin and I thought we were already in the maze, but it was just the outside of the maze.  Once we finally found the hedge entrance, Monster and Little A took off running through the hedges.  The hedges must have been at least 10 feet tall.  Kevin and I had to run to keep up with the two Littles, they were just running and laughing and having the best time.  Little A’s laugh was so contagious that I found myself laughing aloud. 

We went over a bridge, came to a few dead ends, and as we were hopelessly lost, we saw and heard Big Sis and M&M ring the bell and yell “We won!”.  With the overhead view of M&M, we were guided to the stairs to the bell.  Little A rang the bell with Kevin and Monster and they all celebrated their victory over the maze.

We made it down the stairs and Monster and Little A ran straight to the playground.  There were see-saws, playground equipment, slides and a fishing bowl game. They ran from toy to toy.

While the Littles were playing on the playground, M&M, Big Sis and I noticed that on the map of the maze, there was a few big red flags.  Upon further reading, we learned that inside the maze there are stamps to stamp on your map, we decided to go back in the maze in search of the stamps. Since we were using the map to get to the stamps, it only took a little over 10 minutes for M&M, Big Sis and I to get through the maze and get all the stamps.  

It wouldn’t be a true Korea experience without Korea randomness!  After exiting the maze, you are greeted with selfie spots all over the entire front of the yard.  The best part was that each photo opportunity had a selfie stick already in place ready to put a phone in and press the red button.  It was so funny seeing all the photo spots and these yellow sticks permanently in place.  Korea and their selfies, Oh Korea…

We loved the maze and everything the entire property had to offer.  The grounds were adorable, and the maze was pleasantly well maintained and difficult.  It was fun for kids and even fun for adults.  Everyone walked away saying they had an amazing time. 

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