Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Fond Farewell to Friends

We spent our last week in Korea spending as much time as possible with our amazing friends.  The kids loved going to the pool and seeing friends, and I loved it even more when we would go and I would see my friends.  If friends were at the pool we would spend up to four hour at the pool.  Here is Adreann Liddell, Corianne Shwarts and Holly Rust posing for this picture.  I love my friends. Monster also loves his friends, especially Rhett.  It was always hard to get him out of the pool when Rhett was there.  Friends make life so sweat.

One of our final times before we left, we made sure the kids told their friends that we were going to the pool and they had a small pool party.  They loved having fun in the sun one last time with all their best buds.  

We had a girls night right before Holly Rust and I left and we got together and went to my favorite cafe, CF Cafe.  We talked and laughed and just had a great time.  After CF Cafe, we decided to say Good Bye to Korea through Karaoke.  So we went out in search of a large Karaoke private room.  We went down one of the SED side streets and saw a sign that looked like a microphone and decided to try it out.  As we were walking down the walkway there were neon flashing lights that made it look as if it were a strip club.

We were a bit nervous as we reached the top of the stairs and came to a closed door.  We didn't know if we should walk in, knock or walk away.  Someone ended up opening the door and it was in fact a Karaoke place.  We rented a large room for an hour and had the best time just singing our hearts out.

The girls also had a final Young Women night with their friends.  They loved being able to say good bye and bake with their friends.  They sure have made some life long friends here in Korea.  It has been such a great place to live and we have loved calling it home for the last two years.  Kevin and I had one last final Minute to Win It Party with a few friends.  We had a blast playing games, talking trash, and just being with our favorite peeps.

Two nights before we left Korea, we finally found the most amazing restaurant.  We had a final farewell and amazing dinner with our neighbors and good friends, Jin and Will Chung and their family.  They not only treated us to the best Korean BBQ, but they taught us how to eat it correctly.

Kevin and I have had Korean BBQ a few times, but we always ate it wrong.  Jin shared with us that you are supposed to put the entire thing in your mouth because it hold the goodness of the person who made it. The sides that they put all around the table are unlimited free re-fills, which I never knew.  We also tried some amazing side dishes that I was always scared to try.  Will taught us how to use the sauce to make it taste even more amazing.  And we tried some excellent soup.  The food was so amazing.  The best part was that the restaurant had a play place, so when Little Monster and Little A were done eating, they just went to play.  We had a great dinner and a sad good bye to our great friends, the Chungs.

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