Thursday, July 4, 2019

Freedom Festival at Osan

We celebrated Independence Day on American soil at Osan Air Base this year.  It was a funny thought to think we are here in South Korea a few hundred miles from the North Korea border and we are celebrating America's Independence.  The USO put on an amazing festival this year.  There were planes to see, bouncy houses to jump in, food to eat and amazing performances to watch.  I was excited to bring Talia to the Freedom Festival because last year it was pretty awesome.

We made sure to meet up with the Walkers, so we could hang out during the Festival.  The girls were excited to hang out with their best friends.

One of the celebrities that appeared at the Festival was Spiderman.  Little Monster was so excited he was speechless.  He saw Spiderman and stopped dead in his tracks.  He waved and just kept staring at Spiderman and kept telling me, "mom, look, it's Spiderman" over and over again.  Spiderman got down and Monster ran for him and gave him a hug; it was a dream come true for him.  It was pretty adorable.

The South Korea Military professional Taekwondo Team was at the Festival and put on an incredible performance.  They had this huge perforce choreographed to some pretty awesome techno music.  They kicked, jumped, broke boards and danced.  It was so cool.  After the show a few of the men went to Monster and picked him up and were taking a bunch of selfies with him.  Monster was excited to be sitting with the 'cool jumping men'.

Little A and Monster also did a takewondo demonstration.  They both broke boards and did such a good job.  Little A missed but didn't give up and when she broke the board the entire crowd cheered, and Monster broke his very first board ever.

After the performance we went with the Walkers down the street and ate dinner.  We got back to the festival as it was getting dark, we found some amazing seat and sat back and watched a really great fireworks show.  We all laughed as we talked about how close we are to North Korea and how we all hope they can see the fireworks from there.  Happy 4th of July! Here's to freedom.

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