Saturday, July 6, 2019

Yeosu Beach

Hello! It's Big Sis and I am going to tell you all about Yeosu Beach. It was an early morning in the little AirB&B and so after packing up and getting into the chaotic cars, we drove off to the rail park. The original plan was to ride the bikes then go to the beach which was literally right next to the bikes so we all thought that was a great idea. When we went to get the tickets, we realized that there was a long wait and that the price was really expensive (I'm not even going to say that price!) After the adults had a short 20 second conversation, we decided that it was best if we went straight to the beach and just ditched the bike idea. The vote was unanimous among the kids that they just wanted to go swimming. Since it was already really hot, the Walkers (the family that was with us) said that they were going to get ice creams and so we went with them. One of the littles from their family found little Korean hair clips that were windmills. Mom thought that they were so cute so all of the kids got one. After getting the clips in, we all ate our ice cream while walking to the docks to get a picture. I could hear the moms laughing behind us and saying "They are all so Korean now!"I guess we are officially part Korean now because it is like the one thing that Korean are always wearing, little cute funny hair clips. 

We got down to the docks and after we took a couple pictures, we were off to the beach. The view was really pretty. There were these huge cement jacks looking things.  They were pretty neat.

After walking to the beach, we quickly realized that since the sand was slightly black that it was super duper hot. It burned so bad so we hurried under the umbrellas. After putting on sunscreen, we hurried into the water. It was so cool to the touch, but after just jumping in, it felt glorious because it was so hot and the sky was clear. The moms started to walk off and after about 5 minutes, they returned with a HUGE flamingo water float and two water tubes. We all went crazy over them. Since I didn't have anything else to do, I thought "Why not push the little around on the flamingo?" Quinn is only 6 and can't swim very well so I volunteered to push her around the beach on the flamingo. She loved it. Little A and her friend Brynlee sat on the side and just jumped off of the floaty whenever they wanted to and just swam back to shore. M&M and her Best Friend Claire both claimed a tube and just floated around in the deeper parts. 

To swim around with Quinn, I just held unto the wing and frog kicked around the water. Since the water was a little murky, I didn't go more the 40 or so feet away from the shore, but Quinn just loved the ride in general. I managed to photobomb a few photo's along with the 2 older! LOL!

The Korean lifeguards were a sight to see.  They were covered head to toe.  It is so much different then America.  Even the people swimming were covered and in wet suits or even just normal long sleeve and pants.  The life guards had hats, glasses, scarfs, long sleeves, gloves, pants and socks and shoes.  I saw one life guard cover their ankle with their hand when a tiny bit of skin was showing.  They must really be afraid of the sun.

Monster, Talia, and the parents all just sat under the shade of the umbrella and just sat there watching us.

After eating and playing more in the water for another hour, mom told us it was time to go home. The bathroom was really small and really gross so we decided to just make a changing room between the cars. After the kids went in two at a time and changed (that took like 20 minutes) we finally were back on the road.

This weekend was so much fun and I know for a fact that I really loved helping Quinn more then I would have enjoyed my time alone in the water. I loved this adventure that we went on and I am excited for what new travel await us in our new chapter to our book of life, our time in Germany! 

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