Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Little A's Black Belt Amazingness

With just a few weeks to spare before we left Korea, Master Mun said Little A was ready for the Black Belt Test.  She had been practicing at home every single day doing all of her forms that she had learned the past two years.  She was ready with her kicks and split and she finally knew the Black Belt Form.  She was ready!  Little A was especially excited because Kevin was able to get work off to come to her test and Talia was still here to watch her do the test too.  Talia had been helping Little A with all her forms.  

Before she was to do her form test, she had to do a series of kicks and sparring.  She also had to do push ups and splits.  This was the lowest and closest to the floor she has ever gotten on her splits.  She had to sit there and hold it while Master Mun counted to twenty.  It was funny because halfway through he pretended to be talking to someone and said he forgot where he was and he would just start over again at one.  Little A had pure panic on her face. 

For the Black Belt Test, Master Mun picked two numbers out of a hat at random and Little A had to perform those forms, she then performed the Black Belt Form.  She was so nervous that halfway through she just drew a complete blank.  With Master Muns permission she started over again, and did splendidly.  I am so proud of her and how much she has progressed the past two years.  She is stronger, more confident, remembers things better, is more disciplined and respectful.  She is also more flexible and manages her time better.  Taek Won Do was one of the best things she ever did.  I am so glad she was able to complete all the way to Black Belt while living here in Korea.

We brought treats for the entire class and we had a farewell party before the class ended.  Little A even filled up her entire sticker chart and was presented with a trophy by Master Mun.  She was so excited to get a trophy.  I am so grateful for Master Mun and Master Khan and all they taught Little A, it has changed her life.  They are both amazing teachers. Gamsahabnida!

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