Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Chiakasan National Park and the Prettiest Korean Temple

Hello, This is M&M and I am going to tell you all about our day of another amazing waterfall hike. Mom and Talia had decided to take hike to a waterfall with our AMAZING friends the Walkers! So we hopped in the car at like 6:30-7:00ish and drove up to the waterfall. We stopped at a currency exchange before we got off base and did a kid swap. I want in the Walker's car while Brylee (Little A's BFF ) hopped in our car. We then drove about 2 hours to get to the waterfall. After about 2 and a half hours (because of traffic) we got to the spot where the trail lead to the waterfall.

We all regrouped and started hiking the trail. The trail was a little long but it was so beautiful! We passed over bridges and walked by a stream.  We also walked past a super cool dragon statue.

We stopped by a temple along the way and of course, we HAD to check it out! It was a HUGE and colorful temple! There was so many parts to it. When you first walked in through a little building it had the four protector gods.  They were all so weird with their faces, but they were very colorful.

This building was one of the prettiest Korean temples I have seen.  The paint was bright and beautiful.  The ceiling was one of my favorite parts, it was amazing.

There was one part where there was hundreds of white lanterns with wishes tied to them hung all over. This was cool to see.

It was a beautiful temple and probably my favorite out of all the Korea temples.  I am glad I got to see it with my best friend.  We love the Walkers.

We kept walking after about 45 minutes of exploring every inch of that temple. There was this cool bell tower too.  I wanted to jump in it and ring the bell, but I think mom would have killed me.

We left the temple and went over bridges, fought some dragons, tripped a couple of times on loose stones, and finally got to the sign that said Waterfall 1 kilometer. We all cheered and started hiking faster.

We were all saying that this must be a huge waterfall because there was a huge roar of rushing water. We then didn't know that was the river next to us. We finally got to the waterfall after about 5 more minutes of walking. What we saw was the tiniest waterfall EVER!! It was about 5 feet high and wasn't even that deep. There was a little pond with little fish everywhere in it at the so-called waterfall. You almost can't even see it in the picture, it was so tiny.

We didn't let the tiny waterfall ruin our day, so we sat on some rocks and and ate our lunches that we brought. I wanted to see how many fish were in the pond so I threw a tiny piece of bread and then about 1,000+ fish darted to get it out of nowhere! There was so many.

After hanging out at the waterfall for about another hour we started to head back. Monster, of course fell asleep on the hike back.

The hike back was cool because we saw a lot of insects and cool bugs.  The catapillers were neat because there were a lot of them and they were different colors.  There was a big black one that looked like a mustache.  We didn't know if they were poisonous, so we just looked at them and didn't touch them.  

We  made our way back to the car to drive just a little bit to our next adventure at the Wonju Railbikes!

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