Saturday, July 20, 2019

From Seoul, Korea to Frankfurt, Germany

We originally had TLF (Temp living at the on base hotel) booked for a week in Korea, but then we found out we can just stay in our apartment with loner furniture until the last day, so we chose to do just that.  Especially since we have Bailey now, life is easier to just stay in our own apartment.  We had our final inspection and turned in the keys the night before we left Korea.  It was bittersweet to say goodbye to 615 Hallasan, our home the past two years.  

Even though the apartment was really small, and significantly smaller then our home in Texas, it was perfect for us while we lived here.  I won't miss the broken master bedroom ceiling fan, or the weird toilet that never seemed to work in the master bath.  I also will be so excited for more space and especially for room to breath and spread out.  But, I will miss the convenience of living on base, and Kevin walking across the street for work.  I will miss all the kid's activities just a walk away.  I will miss the friends right across the hall, and I will miss the easy friendships we made.  Korea has been wonderful and I am so glad we had this opportunity. So we said good bye to our empty apartment and set off for a night at TLF in Korea and back to temp living for a while.

The next morning, we got up nice and early and packed our bags for our ride to the airport.  Kevin and all the kids took the base bus at 6:00 AM to the airport.  We didn't have as many bags as when we moved to Korea, but we still had a ton of bags.  I helped Kevin get the kids on the bus, and the luggage in the bus cargo.  I waved good bye, and off they went.

Unfortunately, the busses don't allow animals, so since we have Bailey I had to make other arrangements.  Our amazing friends, the Walkers were spending the day in Incheon and offered to wake up early and take Bailey and me to the airport.  About an hour after Kevin left, I was picked up by Brianne and Co. and off we went to the airport.

Kevin got to the airport without any problems.  All the kids helped carry all the luggage in, except for Monster who added himself as one of the bags.

The kids found some seats and waited the hour for me to join them.  Krista DeGuelle, our adopted Aunt and our previous neighbor in San Antonio, sent a package with airplane gifts for all the kids.  The opened their gifts and were busy little bees (Thanks to Krista) while they waited for me.

The Walkers and I arrived to the airport and they decided to park and come hang out with us for a while.  The kids were so happy to see their best little buds one last time.  They went and got donuts and smoothies and just played and talked while we waiting for our flight to check in.  The time came to get checked in and we had some rather sad goodbyes to say.  These were the hardest good bye of all Korea.  We will miss the Walkers!

It took us about two hours to check in.  Oh MY Goodness!  That was so stressful.  Our orders only allowed us one luggage per person, so we had issues with having too many bags.  Then, we were having issues getting Bailey on the plane.  Eventhough we came to the airport just a few days earlier to get her passed with customs, and even though we had all the required paperwork, the agent didn't seem to know what she was doing.  She kept leaving and going in a back room to check the paper with someone in the back.  In the end, they finally said we can take her, but then charged us a few hundred dollars to let her on the plane.  By this point, we were frustrated and the kids were a wiggling mess, so we paid the money and moved on to security.  Luckily we didn't have any further problems, and made it through security and to our gate without any hiccups.  We brought a pee pad, so the girls took Bailey into the handicap bathroom and she went on the pee pad without any issues, so that was super nice!

We made it onto the plane and found our seats.  Big Sis wanted Bailey under her feet, so she took charge of her.  I had the Monster and Little A by me.  We got out Aunt Krista's gifts once more, iPads, and some small toys and the kids made it though take off and into the sky.

We had an 11 hour flight to Germany and the kids did great.  I think travelling all over Asia has made them better travellers.  We kept them occupied and they really did wonderful.  We landed in Germany safe and sound and didn't have any problems as we walked through customs and onto German soil.  And here we are now, in Europe and ready for our next adventure to begin.  Willkomen German!

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