Friday, July 5, 2019

Boseong Green Tea Fields

We decided to hit up the Boseong Green Tea Fields the same day as the Bamboo Forest.  It was a big order, but we did it.  This was all on the way to the beach and our Airbnb.  Everyone talked about how beautiful the tea fields were and how it was not to be missed.  We arrived and drove around looking for admission, or a map, or people for that matter.  There wasn't anyone around and the buildings were closed.  We noticed a big museum, and decided to try our luck there.  The Museum was open, but it didn't look too interesting and it cost more won then we were willing to pay.  We asked if we could just use the bathroom, and they let us.  While we were waiting for everyone to finish, the worker ladies took a liking to Little Monster and let him do some stamp art.  Of course, all the kids came running and joined in on the stamp art.  We let the kids stamp to their hearts content as we cooled off in the cooler air conditioned building.

Since I have been to Bali and the beautiful green tiered fields there, the Boseong Tea Fields weren't very impressive to me.  It probably didn't help that it was super hot.  The fields weren't kept up very well either.  There were a lot of weeds and gaps in the plants.  

However, in true Korean fashion, there were so many selfie spots all around the bottom of the field.  We took the time to get some awesome photos, with the fields in the background.

While walking around, we noticed high up on the mountain was a shrine of some sort. Brianne, Talia, Big Sis and I decided to see if we could climb the tea fields in search of the shrine.  The signs all said were were only about .25 km to the top.  But the climb was pretty steep and way longer than we anticipated.  There were bees and bugs everywhere and the path didn't seem like it was used very much.  We even went up a rickety staircase that was covered with more spiderwebs than stairs.  Poor Big Sis was tired, thirsty and a bit scared.  She was not happy to be climbing the hill, but she didn't want to walk down all by herself.  She kept saying we were going to die by a bug bite.

We made it to the top and were disappointed to only find exercise equipment and no shrine.  Honestly, who would want to exercise after climbing that hill?!?  It seemed we were on the wrong peak, and to reach the shrine we needed to go back down and follow the path on the right rather than the left.  We should have known...  always choose the right.

We made our way back down to the boys and kiddos a little disappointed.  But the kids were jumping up and down and were super excited to show us a cool photo spot.  They pulled us over to a stairway that lead to some hearts and balloons.  It was a super cute spot as it had love written under the hearts. We took some pictures and made our way back to the cars in desperate need of water.

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